First we found a red tub to soak our wool in.
We're using a stock pot to fill the tub with hot water.
Baa, Baa black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!!!
Into the drink for an hour soak with lots of vinegar in the water and a squirt of dishwashing liquid.
All our little wooly balls in the sink to drain.
Shake! Shake! Shake it Christine!
Wilton Cake Dye test run. Christine's.
Wilton Cake Dye test run. Mine.
What a mess!
But, Oh what fun. We used 7 ounces of warm water, 1 ounce vinegar, and a pea-sized amount of cake dye, then mixed and measured and sampled like making witch's brew.
Next, we rolled out a sheet of plastic wrap the length of the table and put four strips of our wooly bundles unrolled on top of the plastic wrap.

Time for a little color.
Isn't mine pretty?

Fold the sides of the plastic wrap into towards the middle and roll up like burrito.
Christine's is pretty too.

Roll 'em, roll 'em, roll em!!!!

And roll some more!!!
Next, Use a foldable vegetable steamer, the kind that unfold like round fan, in the bottom the stock pot. Add water to just low the level of the steamer. Add your wool burritos. Turn the heat high until the water is boiling, then cover the pan and steam at medium-low or so to simmer for 45 minutes. Don't let the water boil away. HMMM! HMMM! SMELLS SHEEPY GOOD!!!
After letting the bundles cool off for a while, unwrap and let them soak in a tube of hot water and a squirt of dish soap for 15 mins, then exchange the water for plain warm water. Keep the wool out the way when you do this, or it will felt.
Beautiful pile.
Hanging around until they're dry.
Abracadabra!!! It's done!!! I hear socks calling my name!!!
This is facinating. I know there's a lot of people spinning and dying yarn out there, but I've never seen the process before. Awesome. Looks like great fun. Great color choices.
Whose Christine?
Her shoulders appear linebacker(ish.)
Your rovings turned out very nicely. Will you be splitting them lengthwise to spin?
Great step by step photo tutorial. I've always wondered what the process looked like and how much space it all took. Thanks!
PS Blogger is forcing me to use my google account but I switched to WordPress about a month ago.
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